Want to know some of the best spring cleaning tips to make spring cleaning as easy and stress free as possible? Follow these must know spring cleaning tips to make spring cleaning a breeze.

Spring cleaning is a time to declutter, organize and do all the nitty gritty cleaning to make your house sparkle. And, if you’re anything like me, the idea of cleaning an entire house can seem a little overwhelming. That’s why going over some spring cleaning tips before hand can help make the process more enjoyable and stress free.
In this post on spring cleaning tips, you will learn all the need to know tips like making a spring cleaning schedule, having a spring clean checklist, and more.
After implementing these spring cleaning tips, you will be ready to tackle your cleaning projects before the flowers are even ready to bloom.
This post is all about helpful spring cleaning tips for a stress free clean.
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Helpful Spring Cleaning Tips
Dedicate a Day
If you want to actually make sure your spring cleaning gets done, it’s best to start off my choosing a day that you dedicate as a spring cleaning day. This can be something like the the third Saturday in March, the last Sunday of the month, etc. The important thing is that you choose a day (or days) and make it known that this is the day to spring clean. You may find it easier to have a spring cleaning week as opposed to just a day.
It might sound silly, but in my experience, the spring cleaning process is more effective and efficient if you are not trying to squeeze it in with a bunch of other plans for the day. So, pick your day, write it on the calendar and make it official!
Make a Spring Cleaning Schedule
A spring cleaning schedule may seem a bit over the top at first, but it can be a game changer. Having a spring cleaning schedule is especially beneficial if you are super busy, are spreading your spring cleaning over multiple days, or are just the type of person who works better with a bit more structure.
Another great thing about a spring cleaning schedule it that it gives you a starting point and helps to organize your day. Here’s a free printable of a spring cleaning schedule outline to help you get started. Use it to simply help plan your cleaning and to make things more manageable.
Make a Plan
Planning for spring cleaning makes everything a whole lot easier. If spring cleaning is a group effort in your house, it helps to plan who is doing what tasks in advance. This prevents one person from doing all the work or doing all the tasks that nobody wants to do.
In addition, having a plan for spring cleaning helps assure that nothing gets missed or forgotten about.
Have a Spring Cleaning Checklist
What you’ve be waiting for…the spring cleaning checklist! A spring cleaning checklist is the ultimate must have to make sure everything you want to get accomplished actually gets done. Besides, who doesn’t love the satisfaction of checking something off a list?
There is no one size fits all spring cleaning checklist that works for everyone, so tweak it to fit your needs best. Download this free spring cleaning checklist printable now!

Have Your Spring Cleaning Supplies Ready
Having your spring cleaning supplies ready kind of goes hand in hand with planning for spring cleaning. The last thing you want on your spring cleaning day is to realize you never purchased the window cleaner or that you ran out of trash bags. Make sure everything you have planned to clean has all the necessary spring cleaning supplies to go with it.
Here’s a little list to get you started:
Don’t Stress Yourself Out
Like I said before, spring cleaning can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! It should at least be a little fun. If you planned to get everything done in a day and before you know it the day is over and you only cleaned one bathroom, don’t sweat it! Take every task accomplished as a win and plan better next time.
Something that you can do to make spring cleaning a little more fun is to wear a fitness watch while you clean. You’ll be blown away by the number of steps you take through out the cleaning process. You can even turn it in to a little friendly competition with your family members.
Some other things to add to make spring cleaning more fun include playing music or an audiobook. Spotify has sooo many good premade playlists or you can create your own ahead of time. If audiobooks are more your vibe, choose of you’ve really been wanting to listen to. This will make spring cleaning fly by and your mind will be focused on how good your book is and not how dirty your sink is.
Lastly, have a reward for the end of the day. This can be something as simple as going out for ice cream or popping open a new bottle of wine. Whatever it is, make it good so you have something to look forward to at the end of your spring cleaning day.
This post was all about spring cleaning tips for easy and stress-free cleaning.
For more things related to all things home and organization, check out:
- 11 Ways to Spring Clean and Declutter Your Life
- Amazon Bathroom Organization and Storage Essentials You Need in Your Life
- Amazon Kitchen Storage and Organization That Will Make Your Life Easier
What spring cleaning tips do you live by? Share them in the comments!

These are such great tips and I printed out your spring cleaning list! Thank you so much!
A very helpful article
Oh my gosh, I love this printable! Perfect!
This just gave me the motivation to do a deep clean! I am going to schedule a cleaning day right now.