I’ve spent a decent amount of money in my 20s so far. Some purchases have been good, and others have just been kind of a waste (thanks, Amazon Prime). Here are some of the best purchases I made in my 20s and would purchase again without doubt.
A Good Quality Bed and Mattress
I’ve been sleeping on a twin sized bed for far too long and have been wanting to upgrade for years. I decided I was comfotrable in investing in both and bed and mattress considering that’s where I spend a good eight hours of my day.
So, after months of shopping around, I bit the bullet and bought the Toulouse Pottery Barn bed. I know it’s expensive, but I had my eye on this bed since 2016 ( I have a screenshot to prove it). If you want the look for less Wayfair, Joss & Main, and Macy’s have a similar style bed for a fraction of the price.
A Blender That Doesn’t Suck
For years I was using the blender that my parent’s got as a gift at their bridal shower – 30 years ago. I’m surprised that thing could even turn on. Needless to say it was time for an upgrade. I got this Ninja blender and it changed the game. My smoothies are done in seconds and I have no complaints.
Another one of the best purchases I made in my 20s has been on experiences. I went to Europe for about 10 days and it was honestly one of the greatest times of my life.
I know spending money on travel isn’t possible for everyone (I worked a second job to help pay for my trip), but I encourage you to do what you can. If that means taking a road trip to the state next to you, then do it! There is so much to experience in this world and I think everyone should try to explore what they can.
Higher Quality Work Clothes
Don’t get me wrong, I love my work wear Amazon finds, but the quality doesn’t compare to some of my more expensive pieces. And when I say expensive, I mean like Loft prices…not anything fancy like White House Black Market.
I got my first iPad as a Christmas gift in college, and the day it died, I think a part of me died with it. On Black Friday, I bought a new one myself and it is my most used tech item – yes, more than my phone! I text, FaceTime, watch Netflix, etc. all from my iPad. I swear it will change your life because it changed mine.
A Warm Winter Coat
I have my mom to thank for this one since she convinced me I needed it after I refused it for years. I’ve gone through so many brutal winters freezing my butt off because I didn’t like the look of longer winter coats. So, when I finally got one, I was amazed at how warm I could be while still being out in -5 degree weather. I got mine from Nordstrom Rack, but this one is similar and has great reviews.
Thinking of purchasing some of the items that were the best purchases I made in my 20s but don’t exactly have the savings to do so? Here are some insanely simple things you can do to start saving some extra money.