We all know by now that 2020 has been nothing short of an emotional rollercoaster. Though we have found ways to live as normally as possible, I think we can all agree that the holidays just won’t be the same this year. Though that may be true, there are still plenty of ways to make the most of it. Here’s some helpful tips for how to celebrate Thanksgiving during a pandemic.

Disclaimer: Be sure to follow your state and city’s guidelines for celebrating safely.
Plan Zoom Calls in Advance
Zoom calls have been a tried a true way of gathering in 2020 and Thanksgiving will no no exception. Getting the whole family together at someone’s house may not be possible, so Zoom is the next best thing. Make sure to plan your zoom calls ahead of time so you can make sure the family can get together virtually at some point. With everyone on their own this year, schedules may be all over the place. So, settle on a time that works for everyone and Zoom the night away.
Schedule A Drive By
This time of year can be especially hard on people like grandparents. Maybe they aren’t tech savvy and zoom calls aren’t possible. Or, maybe they won’t be able to cook a nice meal for themselves. So you may ask yourself how to celebrate Thanksgiving during a pandemic when zoom isn’t an option or doesn’t cut it. If you live within driving distance from the one’s you love, do a drive by just to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving or to stop by with a plate of a yummy Thanksgiving food to brighten their holiday.
Keep It Small
Everyone will decide how they will celebrate Thanksgiving this year, but if you decide to get together with friends and family be sure to keep it small. Keep in mind that everyone gathered together has to go back to work in a few days and a number of people will be affected by your decisions.
Take Advantage of the Outdoors
This depends on where you live, but if you live in a warm climate gathering outdoors is a safer choice than gathering indoors. Like I said, this can be hard or even unpredictable if you live somewhere like the Midwest where it could be 60 degrees one day and 20 degrees the next. So, make use of that weather app and plan accordingly.
Be Smart About How You Serve
If you choose to gather with some family members for the holiday, be smart about how you serve the big Thanksgiving meal. Passing each dish around the table or even serving yourself around the kitchen island may not be the best choice. Everyone touching the serving dishes and utensils just isn’t the most sanitary. Instead, select a person to serve each dish. Kind of similar to how a chef would serve you at a buffet style banquet.
Do Take Out
Another option is to just save yourself the trouble and do take out. It may not be like the traditional Thanksgiving feast you look forward to every year, but it’s a great wat to just make it easy. A lot of restaurants are creating special takeout menus for Thanksgiving where each plate is individually wrapped. This keeps the germ spreading at a minimum which is the goal of 2020. As a bonus, you have the option to support a local business.
Use Drink Markers
The last thing you want to be doing during a pandemic is to be accidently drinking out of someone else’s cup. Use drink markers to help keep track of whose drink is whose. These wine charms are great for wine glasses, and these drink magnets work great for other types of cups or glasses. To make it even easier, you can use these washable markers that are made for glass so you can simply write people’s names on each glass.
Now that you have some tips for how to celebrate Thanksgiving during a pandemic, it’s time for more Thanksgiving fun!