A solid morning routine is key to starting your day on the right food. Sure sleeping in as long as possible sounds nice at first. But, scrambling around to get yourself out the door in 15 minutes sounds like the worst way to start your day. Here are some simple tips and tricks for a better morning routine that will help make the rest of your day a little easier.
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Don’t Hit Snooze
I know you know this by now, but stop hitting the snooze button! No matter how many times you hit snooze, getting out of bed is never going to be any easier so just get up the first time. If you won’t listen to me then listen to science. The facts state that hitting snooze disrupts healthy sleeps patterns and can leave you feel drowsy throughout the rest of your day. Prevent this everlasting drowsy feeling by getting out of bed and starting your day when your alarm goes off the first time.
Avoid Your Phone
It’s so tempting to immediately start scrolling through your phone the second your eyes open in the morning. Try avoiding your phone for at least the first 30 – 60 minutes after waking up. Not only will you have more time to get ready in the morning, but your mind won’t be cluttered with social media and work emails during your first 30 minutes of the day. If this seems impossible for you, try sleeping without your phone in the room so you won’t be tempted to check Instagram and TikTok first thing in the morning. And if you use your phone as an alarm, they sell these really cool things called alarm clocks that can wake you up in the morning as well. (Please sense the sarcasm.) I like this one that uses sunrise stimulation to help wake you up naturally.
Set Your Bed
Did you know there are actual mental health benefits related to making your bed every morning? I’ve personally been making my bed every morning since I was in high school so I can say from experience that I’m a believer in the benefits. Some include a sense of calmness, enhanced organization and a sense of accomplishment. So, what better way to get your morning started than to take 60 seconds to simply set your bed and make it look nice and neat? If your not a bed setter you’re missing out. Trust me when I say it helps in making it feel like you’re life is more together.
Incorporate a Light Workout
I’m not saying you have to go to the gym and run five miles on a treadmill every morning. I’m not even saying you have to leave your house at all. Sure, that’s amazing if you do that, but for those that aren’t morning work out people, there are still some simple ways to boost your activity in the morning and release those endorphins to help boost your mood. My secret little hack to to just do your normal morning routine with ankle or wrist weights. Not only are the Bala Bagles a cute option, but they work simply but just wrapping them around your wrist or ankles and add a little resistance to your typical morning routine. If you have a bit more time, here’s a quick 10 minute workout video that you can do in your pajamas every morning to get in your light exercise.
Establish a Skincare Routine
Not only will your skin thank you, but your brain will too. Something as simple as a morning skincare routine can help implement an act of self-care in to your day-to-day morning routine. Routines in general help to create a sense of stability, and by taking care of your skin every morning you are doing something every day to care for your body. Both amazing things, obviously. This article dives deeper into the benefits of having a skin-care routine and it will make want to start one if you haven’t already.
Eat a Real Breakfast
Put your hands up and step away from the fruit loops! I know how delicious cereals and donuts can be, but try not to make them your go-to breakfast on a daily basis. The refined carbs and added sugar just lead to health problems over time that can simply be avoided by making healthier choices in the morning. Healthier options like eggs, whole grains and fruit can help improve digestion, your metabolism and heart health. They also won’t leave you feeling sluggish throughout the work day.
Lay Out Your Work Out Clothes
If you’re more of an evening work out person, improve your morning routine by laying out your workout clothes before you get started for the day. For me personally, this helps me mentally commit to going to the gym later. Rather than coming home from work and debate rather I should go to the gym or not, having my clothes set out on my bed is a reminder to myself that the decision has always been made.
Give Yourself Plenty of Time
I can’t stress this enough, but giving your self plenty of time to get out the door in the morning sets the tone for your whole day! If you wake up at 6 am and scramble to get out the door by 6:30 every morning, you are just stressing yourself out and no one needs that first thing in the morning, Give your self plenty of time in the mornings. This may mean waking up earlier or going to bed earlier. Do what you can to make the morning more laid back and less hectic. You’ll thank yourself later.
Treat Yourself
Of course, don’t forget to treat yourself. There’s nothing wrong with stopping for a coffee on the way in to work once in a while. I like to choose a day to stop for coffee in advance so it’s something I can look forward to and get excited about. Morning can be rough, but there’s nothing an iced coffee from Dunkin or Starbucks can’t fix.
Hopefully these tips and tricks for a better morning routine help you tackle your busy days! Here are some other tips to help you feel like your life is together in the best way possible:
Love these tips! I always start my day with hot lemon water and a run.
Love that! I need to get back in to drinking lemon water in the mornings, it makes such a difference!
Yes !! Iced coffee always does the trick ! I need to put some of your suggestions into gear !
Thank for these suggestions. My my mornings are crazy taking care of everyone else and then it will be like 1130am and I finally get to start taking care of me , that’s gotta change ! Thank you for these doable suggestions!
Yay! I hope they help you out! Morning can be hard but these simple things can make a huge difference!