My 25th birthday is just days away. And although I’m not big on celebrating my birthday and bringing attention to it, something about 25 calls for a little reflection time. And what better way to reflect than to dish out a little 25 things I learned by 25.
I feel like by 25 we accomplish so much: championships, graduations, your first job, maybe getting married,etc. But, at the same time there’s still so much life that lies ahead. In my almost 25 years, there have been up and downs and highs and lows. But, between the good, the bad and the ugly, I’ve learned so much that made me who I am today, So, whether you’re 25, 15 or 50, I hope these 25 things I learned by 25 help or inspire you in some way as you continue your many trips around the sun.

Friends Come and Go
Starting out on a obvious one that a lot of us probably learned a long time ago. But, not all friends are forever and that’s okay. Whether it’s a friend you grew up with since you were 5, or your ride or die wingman from high school, some friends just grow apart. I choose to believe that people come in and out of your life for a reason, even if it’s hard to understand it in the moment,
Other People’s Accomplishments Don’t Make Yours Any Less Amazing
This is a big one, and one I’m still working on to be honest. But other people’s accomplishments don’t diminish your own. It’s hard to go on Facebook and see people you went to high school with becoming doctors and lawyers while you’re “just a teacher” or “just working in advertising” etc. This thinking is so toxic! I’m learning to understand we all have different goals and will accomplish our own amazing things along our own journeys.
Your First Job Out of College Doesn’t Need to Be Perfect
When I first started applying for jobs after college I was so discouraged that all the jobs I was applying for didn’t think I was qualified enough. Or, none of the jobs were what I had in mind for myself. Now, four years after graduating I can honestly say I’m at a job I love and enjoy. Not only that, but I learned a lot from previous jobs that’s were by no means perfect, but they got me where I am today.
Everyone’s Path is Different
I touched on this one a bit above, but it is such an important thing to learn and understand. People you know are all graduating, moving out, getting married and having kids at all different points in their lives. This doesn’t make you behind or ahead or anything else. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this point and time.
Things Always Get Better
Looking back, I’ve been through some difficult times where I felt like there would never be a light at the end of the tunnel. Turns out, hard times don’t stay hard forever and things always turn around eventually.
Always Practice Gratitude
Sure it’s easy to be grateful on the good days, but being grateful even on the bad days is just as important. No matter how bad of a day you’re having, I’ve learned it’s so important to acknowledge there are still so many things to be grateful for. It could be as simple as being grateful for the friend who was there to listen to you vent, or even being grateful for having the strength for making it to the end of the day. Practicing gratitude really opens your eyes to all the positives in your life.
Worrying Won’t Change the Outcome
Stop. Read that again. This simple phrase changed my mindset so much and it’s something I constantly remind myself of. You can waste so much time and energy worrying about something that you simply have no control over. I found that repeating this phrase when ever I’m worried or start overthinking really helps me let go of the problem and continue to move forward.
Take Steps to Set Yourself Up for the Future but Don’t Obsess Over It
I think of this more when it comes to finances, but it can apply in a number of ways. For me this means saving money towards things like a future home and retirement down the road. However, it’s hard to save for these things when we are just starting out and our job situation may not allow for it. Save what you can but don’t sweat it if you can’t save what you’d like right away. You’ll get there,
Don’t Wait to do What You Really Want
Take that trip, run that marathon, apply for that job across the country. Looking back on life and thinking “I wish I would have done that” is something I aim to avoid at all costs.
No One Ever Has Your Back Like You Do
I know that sounds harsh, but it’s something I learned a long time ago. Though it may not apply to everyone, realizing this has really taught me to look out for myself and become a good decision maker.
Don’t Waste Too Much Time Waiting for the Perfect Time
I wish life came with a guide that gave you a perfect outline to follow. This is when you should go back to school. This is when you should take that solo trip you’ve been talking about for years. Etc. Unfortunately, waiting for the perfect time can end up being a waste of time, and sometimes doing things before you feel ready is the best thing you can do.
Know What Makes You Happy
Knowing what makes you happy will save you on a bad day. And don’t over look the simple things. Im talking strolling the aisles of target, getting chicken nuggets from your go-to fast food place, or lighting a candle and rewatching your favorite show for the tenth time. Whatever ever it is that can change your mood instantly, know what to do for days when you need it most.
Learn to Let Go
I know this is easier said than done. But, holding onto to negative experiences, sour memories or bad relationships can hold so much over you. It takes a minute to really work through something, but once you do you will feel so much lighter and free.
The Clothes You Wore in College Can Go
A bit of a lighter life lesson but a good one none the less. You are not the same person you were at 19. The crop tops and short jean shorts you wore to bars and concerts can go. I struggled with this since I felt I was throwing money away by getting rid of all these clothes that fit the style of college girl me. However, once I replaced things with items that fit my lifestyle for a working 20 something, I felt way more confident in the person I’ve grown to be.
You Won’t Be Everyone’s Cup of Tea
I think we’ve all heard this at some point growing up and it still holds true. You could be the kindest, friendliest and most down to earth person there is and people still aren’t going to like you and that’s OKAY! I know for sure I don’t like 100% of the people I meet so I can’t expect that in return.
Your Relationships Don’t Have to Look Like Everyone Else’s
I feel society gives us the idea that we have to have a group of 20 friends, or that our siblings need to be our best friends, or that we need this unbreakable bond with our parents. That may be how life is like for some, but it’s okay if that’s not the case for you.
You Can Say You’re Going to Do Something or You Can Actually Do It
I love this one. Whenever there’s something I set my sights on, wether it’s wanting to travel somewhere or even start this blog, I immediately start thinking of the steps I need to take in order to make the things I want to happen a reality. And then, I DO THEM. Just talking about things won’t make them happen. You have to take the first step and get after it.
Enough With the 5 Year Plan
I know it’s hard not to think about the future. I feel like we are always trying to think ahead and picture what our life will be like. Though this can be good at times, I feel like it could also force you on this false timeline you created for yourself. It could also lead to unnessary disappointment. So what if you did’t graduate at 22 and if you don’t get married by 25. You just gotta live your life and trust in God’s plan for you.
Always Ask Questions
If you’re asking questions then you’re probably trying to learn something or understand something better. Both of which are never a bad thing. So, always ask questions…unless if it’s during a movie, don’t be that person! Hahah!
Invest in Yourself
This one is important. Investing in yourself is an amazing way to continue to grow and improve and it tells your brain you are capable of amazing things. Whether it’s investing in education to advance your career or investing in a fitness class to improve your health and well-being, you are so worth investing in.
It’s Hard Until it’s Easy
Everything is always hard in the beginning. Think back to your first day of high school or your first week away at college. Or, even trying to run a mile for the first time since middle school. Everything’s hard until it’s easy. The more you do something and the more you adjust, the easier it gets. It just takes time.
Prioritize Taking Care of Yourself
I don’t care what age you are. Taking care of yourself is huge. Exercise, get enough sleep, eat some healthy meals, drink water, wear sunscreen, take time to chill, etc. No one is going to do these things for you! Making a conscious effort to care for your mind and body will do wonders for you and your health which is always a good thing.
Be Comfortable With Being Alone
Spending time alone has become something I come to enjoy and look forward to. Learning how to be comfortable with being alone has boosted my independence and has helped to unwind and recharge at the same time. I can’t really explain it, but just being with my own thoughts and blocking out the noise does wonders for me and it might for you too.
Focus on the Bigger Picture
There’s a lot of bumps in the road to get to where you want to be. Like I said earlier, there’s no road map to life. But, whenever you’re in a situation where things aren’t go right or it just seems like it’s easier to give up, focus on the bigger picture ahead. Maybe you’re working a crappy job until you have the chance to get your dream job. Or, maybe you’re in a tiny apartment until you save enough for the new house being built down the street. Whatever ever obstacles pop up, the end result you want is worth it.
No One Knows What They’re Doing, It’s Not Just You
For the longest time I always felt like everyone had it all figured out and that I was so lost. It wasn’t until I had a heart to heart with some friends that I realized nobody has all the answers. The truth is, we’re all just figuring it out as we go along and just hoping for the best. Well at least I am anyways!
There you have it, 25 things I learned by 25. If you’re younger and reading this post, I think these are some major important things you should know by 25 and to at least be aware of. I’m curious to see how this list will grow over the years. Here’s hoping I just get better with age 😂 To get more of a glimpse into my life over the last five years, here are some of the best purchases I’ve made in my 20s (so far).
Or, if you’re anything like me and can get enough of hearing people’s “25 things I learned by 25”, here are some videos I think you’d enjoy:
Great things to learn as you grow. I have always believed that I should be the one to have my back at all times, without criticism and judgment. Thanks for sharing😊
So glad you enjoyed, thanks for reading!
Aww I love these so much! I didn’t learn most of these until my 30s so you are doing fantastically. Have a wonderful birthday!
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed!
These are great! Love the one about people coming and going. Its so true. Not everyone will stick around but thats okay!
Definitely! I’m a big believer in people coming in and out of your life for a reason!
This is great! Many of the same things I learned after college. What I learned is to have a growth mindset. That’s how I got so far in my career. Instead of reflecting on I have no idea what I’m doing with my life, I just set up my goals of what I wanted to learn and got to work. Now don’t feel so insecure of my lack of skills in a certain area because I know it can be learned.
I love your idea of having a growth mindset! There is so much to be learned and having the mindset of “I can learn this” rather than “I don’t know how to do this” is so important! Thanks for sharing!
I’m 27, so a little late to the game:) but some really great insights here- good reminders of things learned and ideas to work on more in my life.
So glad this was helpful for you, Lindsay!
I really love how these are so true and real! I am 25 myself, and couldn’t agree more with the real truth you face when you get older out of high school and college. I definitely wished I learned these when I was younger!
Yes! I definitely wish I would have understood these things sooner in life but so glad I cam around eventually! Glad you could relate!