Why is it that it’s so hard to save money but so easy to spend it? Well, saving money just got a little bit easier! This post dives into 15 things to stop buying to save money and what to do instead so you can have a little more money in your pocket. And when I say “a little more”, I mean a lot. By no longer purchasing the items below, I have saved hundreds (yes, hundreds) of dollars and you can too!
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Have You Been Overspending? Here are 15 Things to Stop Buying to Save Money

1. Makeup wipes
If you’re still buying makeup wipes, what are you doing? I hate to admit it, but I used makeup wipes FOR YEARS. A typical pack cost around $5 and often times does not come with a months worth of wipes. In my experience, a typical pack of makeup wipes includes 25 wipes, so just short of a months supply. This adds up to over $60 a year on a single use product that ends up in the trash. Not only that, but I feel like one wipe never gets the job done. So, if you use two makeup wipes a night, that $120+ a year gone like that. Crazy, right? Not to mention, they do a poor job at cleaning the skin, can cause you to tug on your skin, and they aren’t great for the environment since it’s a one and done product.
Instead of wasting money on makeup wipes, save some money by switching to something like a cleansing balm. You can find cleansing balms for as little as $5 (like this one from Pond’s). The kicker here is is that it lasts you well over one month. Boom, you’re already saving money. If you’re really into the idea of cleansing balms, my absolute favorite in the Clinique Take off the Day Cleansing Balm. A full size is $31, but hear me out. You can easily find it on sale for at least 20% off on Clinique’s website during holidays and other sales. And, a jar lasts me about 6 months. So even buying a higher quality balm is still cheaper than buying inexpensive makeup wipes. Also, your skin and the environment will thank you.
2. More than one specific makeup product
Let’s stick with the makeup theme, shall we? I used to be the girl who had multiple mascaras, eyeliners, bronzers, etc. It seems like every time a new product came out I had to have it, even if I had something similar or a product I already loved. If this sounds like you, make it a goal for yourself to not buy a new makeup product until you finish what you already have. This applies even more so if you buy your makeup at Sephora rather than the drugstore. Purchasing multiple $40 foundations, $20 mascaras, $30 bronzers, etc. is enough to make any bank account want to cry.
3. Excessive skincare products
This one can be especially difficult if you struggle with your skin like I do. Coming from someone who has suffered with terrible acne, I would buy every product under the sun that claimed it could clear my skin. That of course added up to a lot of money spent on too many skincare products.
Not only that, but it can be overwhelming walking into a store seeing all these products that claim to transform your skin. An oil to reduce wrinkles? Add to cart. A cream that makes your skin clear over night? Add to cart. A face mask that gives you the glowy skin of your dreams? Add to cart. Before you know it you have dozens of products that you just don’t need, a lot of which might even do the same things. Instead, stick to one cleanser, a moisturizer, sunscreen, maybe a spot treatment, a mask and an eye cream MAX. I’m not a skin care expert, but I still don’t think you need more than a small handful of products to care for your skin. Anything else is just a waste of money and we are not here for that!
4. Nail Polish
Okay, but for real. Did anyone else grow up watching nail polish collection videos on YouTube and feel like they needed their own personal at home nail salon? I feel like a lot of us have our favorite couple of colors that we wear on repeat and never touch anything else. Yes, I’m talking about OPI’s Funny Bunny and Essie’s Ballet Slippers. If this sounds like you and you never reach for anything else, then don’t even bother purchasing new colors. Sure that fun blue color looks cute in the bottle, but we all know you’re going to stick to the same neutral color nail polish you know and love.
5. Outfits for specific occasions
Who out there has bought a new dress for every wedding they attended? Or, a whole new wardrobe every time they went on vacation? It’s okay, you’re not the only one! But, continually spending money over and over again for a specific occasion outfit will dry up the money well fast. This applies even more so if the outfit is only worn once. Ugh, makes me cringe just thinking about it. 🤣
I’ve totally been guilty of doing this and have done it enough times to know it’s just not the best way to spend money. Embrace being an outfit repeater. I promise you, that no one will care that you wore the same outfit how ever many times. And if they do, just think of all the money you’re saving and they’re not!

6. Purses
If you’re new to the whole “things to stop buying to save money” world, this is a great place to start. Why you ask? Because you can only use one at a time so there’s really no reason to have so many.
For the purpose of a real world example, I own four purses (if you own less I sing you my praise). I’m a huge crossbody bag fan so I have a brown, and black and a gray and a white in different sizes. And to be honest, I don’t even need all of them. But, I feel that between those four purses one of them always fits the requirements for what I need for wherever I’m going or for whatever I’m wearing. In fact, the last time I purchased a purse was when I was a freshman in college. And, let me tell you, I saved soooo much money over the years just by being content and using the four purses I own and you will be too.
7. Sunglasses
This is pretty much the same as my purse rule above. You can only wear one pair at a time, so how many do you really need? Sure, you could argue you need 10 different pairs to accessorize your outfits with, but do you actually? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Save your money and stop buying sunglasses you don’t need.
Instead, buy one or two pairs you really love that are universal and will stand the test of time. Spending $15 on trendy sunglasses that are only in style for a season or two is such a waste of money.
8. Trendy items
Piggy backing off my last statement, trendy items are only trendy for so long. So, you’re better off saving your money or spending it elsewhere. Instead, stick to pieces that are true to you’re style and don’t get pulled into whatever your favorite influencers just got from Amazon.
At the time I’m writing this, the latest trends are bucket hats, baguette purses and 90s style kitten heels (just to name a few). I’m curious to see how that’s changed by the time you read this post…I’m betting those trendy pieces are sitting in the back of people’s closets instead of having money sitting in their bank accounts.

9. Impulse purchases
Picture this, you’re in your favorite store and there’s a $100 pair of jeans you just found that you are obsessed with. You weren’t planning on purchasing jeans since you have plenty of pairs at home. But, there’s only one pair left on the shelf and it’s your size. It must be meant to be, right?! ***POP*** Sorry, that was just the sound of me bursting your bubble. Instead walk away and think it over. Try giving yourself a 1-2 week time period when it comes to wanting to buy something you just have to have. A lot of times, the desire to have something wears off or you forget about the item completley.
Something I like to do whenever I want something is to add it to my notes in my phone. I currently have a list of four things I would like to buy. And, each time I go to add something to that list it helps me prioritize what I want. Often times I end up removing things from the list before I ever even make the purchase because the desire to have the item is gone. This little process saves me a ton of money and keeps be from buying things I don’t really need from impulse shopping. Impulse shopping is hard to stop at first, but once you learn to stop doing it the money you end up saving makes it so worth it.
10. Too many salon services
Highlights, spray tans, manicures, lash extensions, micro blading, waxing, facials…the list goes on and the money adds up. Spending money on all of these services is an easy way to burn cash fast. Instead of getting every service under the sun, choose 2-3 services you enjoy most and find at home alternatives after that.
For example, my two services of choice are getting my hair done and getting my eyebrows done. Instead of paying $30 every time I want a spray tan, I use a $12 self tanner at home that lasts me for months. Maybe you’re the kind of girl who loves having her nails done but wants to cut back on costs. Try doing them yourself with this at home kit. There’s always almost alternatives to the high price at a salon. And I totally agree that you pay for the service and the amazing results, you just don’t need to be paying for too many of them. Pick the ones you can’t live without and save the money on what’s left.
11. Bottles of Water
You can get a 12 pack of plastic water bottle for $3 at Walmart (I just looked it up). Sounds like a deal, right? Eh not really, considering you can get it for almost nothing from the faucet at your own home. Instead of repurchasing plastic water bottles over and over again, do your self and the planet a favor and purchase a reusable water bottle.
Get fancy with a new Hydro Flask or stick with a more affordable option. It doesn’t really matter, as long and you stop wasting money of individual water bottles. It also help if you have something like a Brita to filter the water you are getting from home. I’ve been using one for probably five years now and you’d never know the water came from the kitchen sink.
12. Cheap Clothes
Buying cheap clothes saves you money, right? Eh, yes…..but, also no. I don’t know about you, but cheap clothes that I buy don’t last long. They stretch out, shrink in the dryer, fade fast, etc. Instead, I suggest paying a little more money up front so that your clothes last for a longer period of time. It took me a while to get to the point where I felt comfortable about spending more on clothing, but I can say from experience that is has paid off and kept my wallet happy. Not saying that every pair of leggings you own have to cost over $100, but what I am saying is that you shouldn’t be buying leggings for $7 at Forever21. Buying quality clothes will win in the long run any day.
13. Subscription Services
Stop what you’re doing and go look and your last credit card bill…like actually look at it. Are there subscription services on there you completely forgot about or hardly ever use? Maybe it’s that gym membership you signed up for at the begging of the year but stopped using in February. Or, maybe you’re paying for serious XM radio but exclusively listen to podcasts now. Whatever it is, it’s worth looking into to see if you’re spending money somewhere you shouldn’t be.
Sticking to the same topic, and I know you don’t want to hear this, but cut back on similar subscriptions if you’re trying to save money. Having Hulu, Netflix and HBOMax is about two too many subscriptions if you ask me. I know it might seem impossible, but choose one and cut out the rest. It sucks that every network now charges for their own shows, but keeping up with all the subscription fees can be pricey.
14. Wall Plug-ins/ Air fresheners
Ugh, the joy of walking in to Bath and Bodyworks and stocking up on wall plugins is such a fun memory. And that’s that…a memory. Is it just me, or do the scents produced by those wall plug-ins last a good two days before you forget they are even there because the scent of a tropical paradise has already disappeared. It’s definitely nice while it lasts, but it’s not worth the money.
The same can go for candles too. I for one love the vibe of a lit candle so purchasing one now and then doesn’t bother me. But, if you’re the person at BBW going ham during a 2 for $24 candle sale. Maybe step back and see how many candles you have left at home to burn before going out to purchase more.
15. Food Delivery Services
Millennials and Gen-Z, I’m looking at you. In fact, studies show that 54% of people age 18-34 use DoorDash, Grubhub, Postmates, or Uber Eats monthly. I know it’s convenient, but all the extra fees that come along with delivery services are just not the move if you want some extra money in the bank.
Either pick up the food yourself, or better yet, just make something at home. I’m telling you right now, Trader Joes has some delicious quick to make meals for super cheap. So, if you haven’t already…delete those food delivery service apps now so you won’t even be tempted to use them.
This post showed you 15 things to stop buying to save money and are some must follow money tips in your 20s. For more tips and tricks on saving money check out:
Great tips. I’ve eliminated almost all single use items and saved a ton.
Love that, such a great way to save money!
These are great lists, I really learned some great tips in there. Thanks, Em!
So glad you found it helpful!
These tips are very actionable. Thank you!
glad you enjoyed!
Just what I need. I was thinking of shopping online now. Maybe I should sleep on it first and think well if the items on my mind are really necessary lol.
Online shopping is so hard to resist! But, sleeping on it definitely helps to save money.
So helpful. Thanks for sharing
Glad you enjoyed!
Great tips! These would all definitely save me money!
So glad you found this post helpful!
The only one I’m guilty of is sunglasses, because I always seem to break or lose them. Great list!
Yes sunglasses are always tricky to keep track of!
Great list, the cheap clothes one is so hard sometimes! But I almost never end up wearing it – better off getting something planned and making sure I love it, not just its price!
Yes! Being intentional about purchases helps to save so much money in the long run.
Such good tips!
Glad you enjoyed!
So glad it was helpful!
Thank you.
I needed to see this article.
Yay! Hope you found it helpful!
Guilty as charged! Thank you for these tips
You’re not alone! hahah! I hope these tips help you!
This is a great list to keep handy because we often forget how things add up and we wonder where our money has gone. Thanks for sharing.
Money can be spent so quickly and it can be hard to keep track of where every dollar is going. I hope this posts helps with your saving!