Spring is in the air which means all the cleaning and tiding up you said you were going to do after winter can finally happen. Here’s how you can spring clean and declutter your life for a nice refresh as we head into a new season.

Nothing says spring clean and declutter your life like going through a closet full of clothes that never see the light of day. A good rule to go by is that if you haven’t work something in a year or forgot you had it then you can live without it.
Home Décor
Okay hear me out. I’m not saying this one is going to be easy, but it has to be done. Rather your obsession is with throw pillows, throw blankets, candles or other home décor items, it’s time to let go and declutter. I’m not saying you need to get rid of each and every item in your home. But if you’re stuffing extra pillows in the linen closest or are constantly looking for new places to store all of your Home Goods finds, then it may be time to part ways with a few items.
You know how you always say you have no food in your house? Well you’re about to see just how wrong you are once you start going through your kitchen pantry. Check the dates of all your canned foods and boxed mac and cheese and toss anything that’s expired. Also take note of the things you find in the way back that you never touch. Keep note to not repurchase these things so you don’t end up wasting more money in the future. While you’re at it, get that pantry organized! This video will give you some major inspo if you are feeling unmotivated,
Social Media
Taking about spring cleaning and decluttering your life. Take a good look at who you’re following on social media and who follows you and ask yourself if you care to continue to see what’s happening in that person’s life and if you want them to see what’s happening in yours. Chances are, your ex-boyfriend’s mom and the person’s whose locker was next to yours in high school don’t need to be in the loop on your life and it’s time to say goodbye. This is also a good time to let go of all those people you follow you don’t bring you positivity. The old friend who posts nothing but politics and fake news, the old college roommate who constantly brags, etc. Basically, if they aren’t a friend you care to keep in touch with or they aren’t posting quality memes then let them go.
Books, DVDs, CDs, Etc.
A cute styled bookshelf is a nice way to decorate and personalize your space. But if you’re like Rory Gilmore and your book collection spans to underneath your bed, you may want to consider donating some or giving them to friends. As for DVDs and CDs it may be time to to part ways with them completely. Thanks to streaming services, these items don’t get the love and attention they once did. If they are taking up precious space in your home then declutter, donate and let go.
Between photos, old documents and unused apps, our phones and computers are constantly running out of space and we find ourselves franticly deleting things on the spot. Take the time to go through all your electronics and delete what you don’t need and/or use. Also, do yourself a favor and back everything you end of keeping to a hard drive. It’s nice to always have a backup.
Email Inbox
This one is a two-parter. Part one: go through your inbox of 1,000+ unopened emails and delete, delete, delete! Part two: unsubscribe from all the companies whose emails you never open. It will feel good to declutter your email once and for all.
Makeup Collection
Food isn’t the only thing that expires, your makeup does too. If it’s old, toss it. If the color doesn’t match you, toss it. If it was expensive but you don’t use it….TOSS IT! I know it hurts to throw away a bunch of stuff you spent money on. But, it will be nice to have only the products you love and use in your makeup collection.
Your car isn’t a second home…or a second closet. Throw away all the receipts and wrappers and but away all the clothes you forgot were in the back of your trunk. Maybe even treat yourself to an iced coffee with any of the money and loose change you find during the process.
I’m afraid to even go here because I know how much this will hurt. But, I’m sorry to say you do not need a kitchen cabinet full of mugs. I’m sure you have so many cute ones you’ve been collecting over the years, but do your best and spring clean your heart out on this one.
Again with the expiration dates, but medicine does expire! Go through your medicine cabinet and toss anything that’s expired and keep an eye out for what will expire soon. Take a trip to the store afterwards and do a restock so you’re good to go for whenever you need an Advil or Nyquil next.
Get a head start on spring cleaning with these kitchen organization and storage essentials from Amazon.
Thanks! I always forget about dvds and old movies! That’s good one!
Yes! Definitely time to declutter those thanks to Netflix and Hulu!
I’m about to do some spring cleaning and these are great tips! I didn’t even think about the pantry. But I do have a few too many throw blankets and pillows that need to go!
Glad you enjoyed! I hope it helps with your spring cleaning!
I love that you added Social Media to this! Thats so important. Thank you for the reminder of what I need to get done this weekend.
Yes! I think social media is easily forgotten about. I hope this list was helpful!
Great ideas! I recently decluttered my books and DVDs and it felt so good! Reading this, I realized I have to tackle my medicine cabinet, too! Thanks!
Yes! Decluttering is the best feeling! So glad you enjoyed!
These were great reminders. Thanks for posting!
Papers and the pantry are such an issue for me. I especially feel much better after going through papers!
Ugh papers are the worst! But, it feels so good to git rid of it all!
These are great kick starts. I don’t always do my mugs or home decor but that is so needed. This a great list to start with my spring cleaning.
Yay! I hope it helps you out with your spring cleaning!
Spring cleaning social media? Wow.. never thought that’s a thing. Thank! Great content. I will make sure decliner my social media. It is a mess right now
So glad you enjoyed! You will feel so much better after declutter your social media channels!
Good ideas! I always forget about the makeup 😀
Yes, such a tricky one!
I’m definitely of keeping pantry items because I feel guilty about throwing away food! I also think it’s such an interesting suggestion to declutter your digital life just like your physical stuff. Thanks for sharing!
I feel, it can be so hard to clear out the pantry! But yes! Definitely recommend doing some digital decluttering to help clear your head space!
Awesome ideas. I cleaned out a big box of books. Just need to take them to Half Price Books to see if I can get moola for them. I really need to clean out my inbox and we want to remodel our clothes closet so that’s on the list.
Going to half priced books is a great idea! And remodeling is great motivation to clean and declutter!
Technology and old cds are my nemesis. They collect so much dust, but I’m sentimental and worry I’ll need or want them one day. Hopefully, this is the year I let go.
I’m the same way! But, letting go will feel so good!
I didn’t know there are so many places that need cleaning and decluttering. I have picked some tips to help me declutter some of the places you have mentioned. Thanks for sharing.
SO glad you enjoyed!